Creating High Performance Teams and Cultures – Culture Coaching
Getting everyone on the same page can be hard enough… but getting everyone inspired and working together? Well, that might seem impossible. The Change Agent Network takes teams on the journey to decide what inspires them, and to make that vision into a cultural reality.
Expert Facilitation
The Change Agent Network is committed to enabling any group, team or division to work together to best achieve their goals. That is what facilitation is all about, and it is what this service delivers! Whether it is a strategic planning, decision making, networking or learning ambition, the Change Agent’s facilitation services are second to none.
High Level Strategy and Strategic Consulting
People use the words “strategic” and “big picture” without ever realizing that you can actually map and plan your future! This service delivers on the notion of deliberate actions to achieve a clear and operational set of milestones, over the course of specific timeframe. Ever heard of making your own luck… this service make that a reality!
Big Picture Stakeholder Analysis and Management - Relationship Improvement
Managing Stakeholders involves more that just talking. We have to be talking about the right things in the right way at the right time. This service will provide your team with brand new language, strategy and skills to map and build high performance connections with any internal or expert stakeholder. Multi-party, multi-issue, multi-layered, we can help!
Transformative Mediation
Structured. Empowered. Interests Based. Unlike litigation or arbitration where a judge makes decisions for the parties; mediation is an empowered process where the parties make their own decisions about whether and how to resolve their differences.
Mediation is a formal process but it is conducted like a conference - at a venue and time chosen by the parties. It is a structured discussion, not a quasi-courtroom. The discussion asks “what’s important and how can we meet those needs?” not “who is right?”.
The Change Agent uses a comprehensive, systematic, and transformative approach to mediation drawn from Harvard Law School. The Change Agent Network enables parties to break down their concerns into manageable questions; and more clearly and articulately satisfy their needs.
Engaging Change Strategies and Change Management
Clarity, preparation and communication are the keys to exceptional change management. The Change Agent Network uses proven Harvard University method for helping organisations implement human change projects. Based on the work of renowned authors like Kotter, Fisher, Argyris, Ury, and Goldberg, The Change Agent Network approach is highly systematic, predictable and logical. Beyond satisfaction, our change services turn sceptics into allies!
Expert Executive Coaching
The intent of one-on-one executive coaching is to enable a candidate to be the best leader, team member or entrepreneur they can be; and to fill specific needs in their awareness, skills or approach. With the advantage of being extremely tailored to the individual’s needs, and able to explore real-life and real-time issues, coaching is often preferred to workshops or seminars as a means of change and improvement.
Inspiring Skills Training
The Change Agent Network delivers skills training in all personal and interpersonal competency areas. Our workshops bring together the best material from Harvard and Monash University, Cognitive Behavioural Psychology and the Workplace Change world. The Change Agent Network delivers sessions that are enjoyable, high value, immediately applicable, and most importantly remembered and used forever!
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